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Tuesday 12 August 2008

Every Soul Is Special

I was just watching Ramayan and the part where Hanuman crosses the ocean in search of Sita. Now you must be wondering what could be so special in this event that inspired me to write a post. There sure is. That is why I am here.

Before that, here is a legend with some Hanuman related background information. Hanuman is known to be the partial reincarnation of Lord Shiva. He was also the godson of Lord Pavan, king of the winds. So you can expect the effect of the extreme physical and magical powers on a mind as young as a toddler. What's more a toddler who has complete knowledge of the powers possessed by him. You guessed it. Extreme precociousness. This precocious nature almost caused him the loss of the knowledge of his powers as a result of a curse by a powerful sage. Later it was modified that he would forget about his powers till someone reminded him about them. Once he remembered his powers, he would be able to use them to their full effect.

There, that is the point of my post. There is something I want to attract your attention to.

I believe there is a Hanuman in everyone's heart. The plain and modest Hanuman. The one who knows not the limit of his powers. Who knows not that there is no limit to his powers. It took him inspiration from his friends that made him fly across the ocean, all the way to Lanka to find Sita, console her and assure her that now it will not take longer to free her from Lanka.

Not everyone is aware of the power that resides within the soul. Every soul is special. Those inspirational messages that you get in your sms's and emails are not to be scoffed at. They are modest attempts of reminding you of the power you possess within you to inspire yourself, to achieve what you want to. It is up to you to inculcate those messages within yourself.

Look at the other side now. If you think someone around you who has a special talent, inspire that someone. Not with empty flattery, but with true belief in their ability. Don't be jealous of their talent, because just like that someone, you are talented too. So you have no reason to feel jealous or defeated. If Hanuman had the power to fly across the ocean, then Nal-Neel had the power to build a bridge long enough to enable the whole monkey army to cross the ocean. That is not a small feat wither, is it?

Bottomline, recognize yourself and the spark in you. Once the spark is ignited, fan it. You are special. If you don't believe it, nobody else will. If Hanuman would have not accepted that he was indeed powerful and would have stayed modest about it, he would have never crossed the ocean and that would have changed the whole course of the war.

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